Workforce Development
Personal and Professional Development
Foothill Family is committed to the development and training of our team at each and every level of learning and leadership. We are invested in cultivating the highest industry standards in our employees, not just to adhere to clinical expectations and requirements, but to promote continuous learning and opportunities for growth.
Both clinical and non-clinical staff are invited to participate in in-person and online

Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Foothill Family is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs. Foothill Family maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. To support and advance our licensed staff, Foothill Family provides and/or hosts trainings that issue CEUs for licensed staff. Non-licensed staff are welcome to attend as well. Examples of recent CEU courses offered by Foothill Family or a partner organization include:
- Clinical Supervision
- Law and Ethics
- Reflective Practice
- Reflective Supervision
- Modeling Self-Care to Provide Effective Stress Reducing Interventions
- Cultural Humility
- Trauma-Informed Practice for Child-Welfare Involved Children and Families
- Working with LGBT Psychotherapy Clients
- Developmental Disabilities
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Trainings
Foothill Family supports employees who work with Department of Mental Health (DMH) clients by providing opportunities to learn and apply Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs). To achieve positive outcomes in our work with clients, EBPs connect science and culture by integrating research evidence and clinical expertise with client values and preferences. Recent EPB trainings include:
- Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
- Crisis Oriented Recovery Services (CORS)
- Depression Treatment Quality Improvement (DTQI)
- Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS)
- Incredible Years (IY)
- Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Ind-CBT)
- Managing and Adapting Practices (MAP)
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
- Seeking Safety (SS)
- Stepped Care (SC)
- Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT)
Partner-Hosted Education and Training
Educational opportunities hosted by partner organizations arise regularly and are available for Foothill Family employees to attend. Staff are encouraged to take part in these trainings both to further their professional development as well as to support our peer collaborators. Recent trainings offered by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Department of Mental Health attended by Foothill Family team members have included the following range of topics:
- Brain Development and Implications for Attachment and Treatment
- Atypical/Typical Development in Children 0-5
- Sensory Integration
- Trauma Response in Infants
- Mental Health Interventions for Infants and Young Children with Medically Complex Conditions
- Increasing Spanish Mental Health Clinical Terminology
- Increasing Mandarin Mental Health Clinical Terminology
- Mental Health Strategies for Individuals with Co-occurring Developmental Disabilities
- ICARE assessment
- DC:0-5 assessment
Paid Subscription to Online Trainings
An agency-sponsored subscription for Relias, an online training platform, is available to all employees. Through Relias, staff can participate in free online courses, some of which offer CEUs. In addition to clinical