Mental Health Care
Mental health conditions, whether genetic or experienced as a result of trauma or violence, can create challenges that affect the growth and development of children and the ability for adults to live full lives. With professional treatment, emotional and mental health issues can be successfully addressed and meaningfully managed in ways that provide space for personal growth and progress in relationships, at school, or at work.
Mental health care at Foothill Family includes individualized treatment plans to help children and adults, individuals and families find new direction and cope with life’s challenges. An array of treatment options and services are available based on each client’s situation and responsiveness and can include play therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, parent-child interaction therapy and other various Evidence-Based Practices, and medication support.
Care can be provided in homes, at schools, in the community, or at any of Foothill Family’s locations and often includes linkages to additional community resources in support of treatment and care.
Intensive Services
Foothill Family also offers intensive services including:
Wraparound works with children who have been removed from their homes and surrounds them with intensive support with the goal of establishing and further developing healthy family relationships that lead to a permanent home.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) provides short-term intensive support to children experiencing a life crisis or eminent life crisis by teaching the clients and their caregivers intervention strategies that help children change negative behavior.
Full Service Partnership (FSP)
Full Service Partnership (FSP) provides comprehensive, in-home mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed children up to 15 years old living in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys.
Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services (IFCCS)
Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services (IFCCS) supports children and transitional-aged youth up to 21 years old who have had difficulties maintaining a stable placement for an extended period of time. Services for these clients who live in Los Angeles County and maintain an open DCFS case may include individual and family therapy, vocational and education referrals, case management, trauma-informed services, and linkage to community resources.