Planting Deeper Roots in Pomona
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Other Ways to Get Involved
- Schedule a Tour of our center
- Connect Foothill Family to a Community or Corporate Partner
- Meet with a Foothill Family Staff Member for Coffee/Lunch to learn more
- Spread the word about our expansion!

Our belief that healthy families are the basis of every child’s promise for a bright future has been the driving force behind Foothill Family since our founding in 1926.
Due to a large and growing need, Foothill Family is deeply investing in the community of Pomona by establishing a permanent, physical location.
Foothill Family seeks to broaden our reach and impact to meet the changing and growing needs of our clients and community.
The new permanent facility in Pomona allows us to expand our care with the high-quality, personalized, and dignified approach that has long been our hallmark as a leader in mental health care and early childhood development programs.
Foothill Family is passionate about working with community partners to connect our families to resources throught the city to ensure our families’ essential needs are met. We invite you to join us in this life-changing work to empower underserved children and families.


Pomona ranks disproportionately high for key risk indicators and stressors that impact the safety and overall well-being of children and families. Foothill Family’s programs emphasize prevention and early intervention which decreases the onset of significant emotional and behavioral challenges, supports the development of a youth’s strengths and development, and promotes resilience. Foothill Family has been invested in and supporting the Pomona community since the 1980s. However, without a physical location, families who were seeking services could not easily access them and our ability to meet their needs were limited. Our ongoing commitment led us to open a small office in the heart of the city in 2017 and establish deeper connections with the community and enhance our ability to respond to families’ needs. Today, we look to vastly expand our presence, reach and impact.
- Secure 8-10 new Childcare partners
- Secure additional program funding
- Grow number of staff
- Triple annual hours served in Pomona community to 7,000
- Grow service impact to over 5,000 community members
- Expand access and services to eastward community

Through our work over the past 4 years, we have made significant impact on the lives of children, teens and families in Pomona. Bringing together community leaders and service providers were key to creating a stronger, more connected and unified safety net for the most vulnerable residents and families. With these foundational achievements, we will DOUBLE OUR IMPACT WITHIN 3 YEARS!
To achieve this we will:
- Increase access to affordable and high-quality child-care that will allow parents to maintain consistent employment or pursue education. Our top-notch childcare provides a strong foundation for lifelong learning and academic success by ensuring kids are ready for school.
- Decrease incidents of child abuse and other adverse childhood experiences through comprehensive services for high-risk families, with a focus on prevention for families with known risk factors and supporting them beginning at pregnancy.
- Provide a community space for parents to gather for parenting education, case management, and to build connections and social supports with other parents. Childcare providers will also receive training, education, and certifications.
- Build on and grow the network of organizations and leaders to ensure all children and families have timely and appropriate access to the supports and interventions they need to be safe, healthy, and productive.

Our programs in Pomona will focus on early childhood development and youth & family services. Our approach to care is intentional and personalized for each client’s continued success. Rather than focus solely on the challenges and/or treatment of one individual, our programs incorporate parents, children, and family members to establish a network of support. This approach to care reinforces the tools and resources clients learn from their work with Foothill Family to ensure lasting change.
- Early Head Start Childcare Partnerships
- Home Visitation For Mothers & Young Children
- Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment
- Domestic Violence Prevention & Treatment
- Elder Abuse Prevention & Treatment
- Pregnant And Parenting Teen Support
- Parent Relationship Education
- Intensive Mental Health Services
- Early Childhood Workforce Apprenticeships
Meeting the Growing Need in Pomona
Foothill Family is thankful for the support from Senator Connie M. Leyva, Mayor Tim Sandoval, Pomona community partners, and future clients.
Mike Buchanan
Anita Lawler
Vanessa Wolf Alexander
Michael Driebe
Craig Hodgetts
Abel J. Montanez
Julietta Perez
Ayesha K. Randall, Ed.D
Chuck Tapert
Elizabeth Zamora
Michael Beckman
Jil Stark
Our Next Step in Growth
Now in the third year of our five-year strategic plan, we move forward with the last phase of our three-phase expansion that saw centers open in Duarte and Covina. The third and final phase involves bringing a permanent 10,000 square foot center to Pomona that will offer early childhood development services, youth & family services, and vital community resources.

Foothill Family’s new Pomona building is located at 960 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA 91766-1620

Please contact the Development Department at (626) 993-3636 or donate@foothillfamily.org to learn about how you can get involved or make a donation.